新关注 > 信息聚合 > 51岁天王郭富城今摆酒娶方媛 只摆5桌(图)

51岁天王郭富城今摆酒娶方媛 只摆5桌(图)

Marry moka 51 singer Aaron kwok today put wine Only 5 table (figure)

2017-04-18 23:47:12来源: 中国新闻网

51岁天王郭富城今半岛摆酒娶方媛。(图片来源:台湾《中时电子报》) 中国台湾网4月18日讯 据台湾《中时电子报》报道,51岁天王郭富城与小22岁网红方媛交往2年,终于愿意走入家庭。上个月传出小俩...

51 year old singer Aaron kwok peninsula put wine marry moka today. (photo: when the electronic newspaper in Taiwan) of China Taiwan network on April 18th According to Taiwan when the electronic newspaper reports, 51 years old singer Aaron kwok and small red luca brasi, 22, net communication two years, finally willing to walk into the family. Last month from both of small...