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体育高考开考 “半路出家”考生一测素质就露馅

Sports college entrance examination test "left" the examinee a measuring quality on detection

2013-04-09 16:22:34来源: 人民网

4月8日,山东省体育高考开考。图为山师大体操房内,体操专项测试正在进行。 8日,2013年普通高等学校体育专业测试(俗称“体育高考”)在山师开考,不同地市的学生将分成3批进行测试,19日结束。一些一年前或半年前转为体育生的“半路出家”考生,纷纷选择了技巧性的乒乓球等项目,但一测基本素...

4 month 8 days, Shandong province sports college entrance examination. The graph is high gymnastics room, gymnastics is testing. On 8 2013, ordinary college sports professional testing (commonly known as the "sports college entrance examination") in the mountain division test, different city, students will be divided into 3 batches tested, 19 end. Some a year or half a year ago to sports students "left" the examinee, have chosen the skills of table tennis and other projects, but a measurement element...