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An examination of one hundred pledging conference let whoever glad to sorrow

2017-03-21 00:45:12来源: 中国经济导报

国玺 (网络图片) 据沈阳当地媒体报道:3 月 18 日早上,迎着早春的朝阳,沈阳市第七中学初三学生们的誓师呐喊声一浪高过一浪。孩子们头上系着 " 必胜 " 的红带子,家长方阵中则高举大大的...

Great seal (network) : shenyang, local media reported on the morning of March 18, the early spring sunrise, pledging of seventh grade students in middle school in shenyang wave upon wave of chants. The children head wearing "must win" red tape, parents in the square is raised greatly...