新关注 > 信息聚合 > 触手小月亮直播为何总有风声?手速太快手机要降温


Tentacle small moon live, why is there always wind? Hand speed is too fast, mobile phone to cool down

2017-06-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

观看触手《王者荣耀》人气主播“月亮去哪了”,江湖人称小月亮,直播也有一个月有余,很快就喜欢上小月亮这种桀骜不驯的个性。小月亮的ID总是很文艺,什么“愿我清净如月”、“林中静月下隐”,给人一种,主播绝对是一个安静的美男子的感觉。恰恰相反,小月亮的暴脾气,在《王者荣耀》主播界是出了名,一言不合就开怼,怼天怼地怼职业选手。 不过小编发现,小月亮直播总是有很大风声,呼呼的,于是有围观群众提问:小月亮你是买不起空调非要用电风扇吗?这样很影响我们观看直播耶! 在经过小编多方访问得知,原来因为露娜操作需要极快的手速,手指与屏幕以光速摩擦,难免会产生极高热量,出汗导致屏幕太滑影响操作都是小事,万...

Watch the tentacles of "king of glory" popular anchor "the moon where" rivers and lakes known as small moon, live there for more than a month, and soon fell in love with the small moon wild and intractable personality. The moon is always very small ID art, what "may I say" pure ", so in the hidden forest", give a person a kind of anchor, is definitely a quiet feeling of beauty. On the contrary, the small moon tempered in the "king of glory" anchor circle is a name, a word not just the other day to open the other, the other player your occupation. But small, small moon live always has a big wind, whistling, and the crowd asked: small moon you can't afford to use air conditioning fan? This is affecting our watch live! After a small multi access that, because the original operation requires fast hand speed Luna, finger with the screen at the speed of friction, will inevitably produce high heat, sweating too slippery effect causes the screen operation are trivial, million...

标签: 直播