新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乌兰图雅新推《原香草》弥漫草原香


Wulantuya new push "original vanilla" incense filled the prairie

2013-07-20 06:49:51来源: 中国新闻网

乌兰图雅 本报讯 (记者 程雪超) 乌兰图雅日前推出弥漫着科尔沁草原气息的新专辑《原香草》。这张专辑共收录了《寄一片落叶到草原》、《天越蓝我就越想你》、《原香草》等新曲。发片记者会上,歌唱家蒋大为等艺术家都现身助阵。

Wulantuya WASHINGTON (Reporter Cheng Xue Chao) Wulantuya recently launched Horqin grassland atmosphere filled with new album "Original Vanilla." The album contains a total of "Send to a leaf prairie", "blue sky the more I think the more you", "original vanilla" and other new songs. Hair piece press conference, singer Jiang Dawei and other artists are coming to help out.