新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周华健赞陕西方言蓝调歌曲“有感觉”


Emil Shaanxi dialect blues songs like "feel"

2014-02-08 01:08:22来源: 中国新闻网

经过五周的盲选,四位导师将在今晚的节目中找齐各自原创大碟中的歌曲。目前,只有蔡健雅一个导师选够16首歌,刘欢和周华健各缺一首,杨坤的专辑还剩两首歌的位置,他表示“找不到合适的,我宁可让它空在那儿”。 为了填补选歌空缺,往期节目中部分“失败”的唱作人将再次上台表演。第二期节目中为流浪猫...

After five weeks of blind election, four instructors will evens their original album of songs in tonight's program. Currently, only enough to choose a mentor Tanya 16 songs, Liu Huan and Emil each missing one, Yang Kun album two songs left position, he said, "to find a suitable, I'd rather let it empty in there." To fill the vacancy song selection, to the part of the program "failed" singer-songwriter will perform on stage again. The second phase of the program for stray cats ...