新关注 > 信息聚合 > 跨平台的魅力:2017最值得期待的XPA 游戏

跨平台的魅力:2017最值得期待的XPA 游戏

The charm of cross-platform: 2017 the most anticipated game of others

2017-02-10 01:11:36来源: 新浪

假设一个场景,当你正在客厅的电视用Xbox One 主机游戏正酣,却到了家人要看连续剧的时候,没关系,到书房里用Windows PC 从相同的进度继续畅游——将PC 和Xbox One 主机打通,玩...

Suppose a scene, when you are sitting room of TV with the Xbox One host during the game, but when the family to see series, it doesn't matter, to use Windows PC in the study from the same progress will continue to swim - PC and Xbox One host get through, play...

标签: 游戏