新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂回应与刘恺威舌吻照:我们没有高调秀恩爱


Yang Mi responded with a Hawick Lau kiss as: we don't have a high-profile show loving

2013-09-13 18:08:00来源: 中国青年网

杨幂 中新网9月13日报道,今年的纽约春夏时装周,秀场内,设计师们使出浑身解数展现解析最新潮流。秀场外的明星争奇斗艳也成为纽约时装周一道特定的风景线。 当地时间9月12日,杨幂生日当天作客直播间接受访问。 谈事业:不想成为下一个范冰冰。 有品论指出杨幂会成为下一个走入国际...

Yang Mi in new network reported on September 13th, this year's New York fashion week, designers resorted to use all one's skill show, show the latest trend analysis. The shows star contests in New York has also become a fashion Monday specific scenery line. Local time on September 12th, Yang Mi's birthday as a guest studio interview. Talk about the cause: don't want to be the next Fan Bingbing. There are comments pointed out that Yang Mi will be the next step into the world...