新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金秀贤家庭照:母亲美貌父亲曾是主唱


Jin Xiuxian family photos: Mother father was a beautiful singer

2014-03-30 17:53:54来源: 山东新闻网

金秀贤全家福 一组《来自星星的你》中都敏俊饰演者金秀贤的家庭照在网上曝光。据悉,金秀贤的父亲曾是韩国80年代组合Seven Dolphins的主唱金忠勋,而妈妈则非常美貌。喔,年纪轻轻就有胸肌了...

Jin Xiuxian a family portrait "from the stars you" are played by Min Joon Jin Xiuxian family photos online exposure. It is reported that South Korean Jin Xiuxian father was a combination of Seven Dolphins 80s singer Jinzhong Xun, and her mother is very beautiful. Oh, the young have pecs ...