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陆毅鲍蕾低调生二胎 小女儿真容首曝光

Lu Yi Bao Lei low second child daughter true first exposure

2014-06-11 09:44:34来源: 千龙

上要在第二季《爸爸去哪儿》露面的陆毅父女很受期待,陆毅和鲍蕾一直是娱乐圈的金童玉女,而这种感觉甚至一直延续到了女儿陆雨萱已经6岁的今天。如今,陆毅在电视剧领域重新找回偶像的光芒,而鲍蕾则专心隐退,在家相夫教子做好贤内助。 日前,搜狐视频在上海两次撞见陆毅鲍蕾一家,令人意外的是,神秘的陆毅...

to in the second quarter, "Daddy where to go to" appearance of the father and daughter Lu Yi is anticipated, Lu Yi and Bao Lei have been in the entertainment circle Jennifer, and this feeling continues even to his daughter Lu Yuxuan is 6 years old today. Now, Lu Yi retrieves the idol light in television dramas, and Bao Lei is to concentrate on the retreat, Aio Noriko is at home doing a Huchi Suke. Recently, Sohu Video in Shanghai two times caught Lu Yi Bao Lei a, surprisingly, the mysterious Lu Yi...