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《烽火佳人》热播 舒畅:陈键锋拍吻戏会害羞

"Fenghuo beauty": Sammul Chan shot hit comfortable kissing will shy

2013-12-19 03:52:56来源: 大众网

舒畅闯入枪林弹雨 陈键锋亲吻舒畅 搜狐娱乐讯 近日,由舒畅、陈键锋、乔振宇等人领衔主演的民国情感大剧《烽火佳人》目前正在安徽卫视热播。在《烽火佳人》中,演员舒畅与陈键锋、乔振宇难免少不了亲密的戏份,谈及吻戏,舒畅曝料陈键锋拍吻戏“会紧张,脖子都红了”,陈键锋则笑称那是看的舒服,演的痛苦,...

comfortable into a hail of bullets Sammul Chan kiss comfortable Sohu Entertainment News recently, by a comfortable, Sammul Chan, Qiao Zhenyu et al. Starring in the Republic of China big play "beacon" emotional beauty is currently in Anhui satellite tv. In the "true women", actor Sammul Chan, Qiao Zhenyu is less comfortable and not intimate Xifen, talking about kissing, comfortable material exposed Sammul Chan beat kissing "tense, the neck is all red," Sammul Chan joked see it is comfortable, play the pain,...