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周董好忙!昆凌产后至今 周杰伦24小时陪伴

Jay Chou is so busy! Kunling postpartum has Jay 24 hours in the company of a

2015-07-18 00:39:18来源: 中国青年网

周杰伦、昆凌 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,天王周杰伦7月13日起当升格人父,和老婆昆凌的宝贝女儿已经诞生,他透露心情是“感动、开心”,甚至看到小孩的那一刻偷偷落泪,昆凌也赞周杰伦“爸爸全勤,10...

Jay Chou, Kun Ling Tencent Entertainment News, according to Taiwan media reports, Jay Chou on July 13 when upgrading of the father, and his wife Kunling baby daughter was born, he said the mood is "move, happy", even to see child that moment secretly tears, Kunling Yezan Jay Chou dad attendance, 10...