新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘前:特朗普外交政策令人不安 美期指走弱

盘前:特朗普外交政策令人不安 美期指走弱

Disc before: trump foreign policy unsettling period refers to a weaker

2017-02-03 05:23:16来源: 新浪

道琼斯工业平均指数期货下跌0.23%,标准普尔500指数期货下跌0.23%,纳斯达克100指数期货下跌0.26%。 特朗普政府正在考虑对伊朗实施新的制裁,特朗普与美国盟友与贸易伙伴澳大利亚与墨西...

The dow Jones industrial average futures fell 0.23%, the standard & poor's 500 index futures fell 0.23%, nasdaq 100 index futures fell 0.26%. Trump the government is considering new sanctions on Iran, the trump and American ally and trading partner of Australia and Mexico...