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丰田拟提高SUV产量 迎合市场需求

TOYOTA intends to increase the yield of SUV to meet the market demand

2015-01-21 10:56:13来源: 中国新闻网

据美国彭博社1月14日最新消息,丰田公司北美高管表示,由于在美销量提升,公司计划在日本、加拿大工厂生产更多SUV车型。 据报道,公司将扩大丰田RAV4和雷克萨斯RX等SUV车型产量,此举将检验丰...

according to Bloomberg News January 14th, North American Toyota Corporation executives said, due to the increased sales in the United States, the company plans to produce more SUV in Japan, Canada car factory. According to reports, the company will expand TOYOTA RAV4 and Lexus RX SUV models yield, which will test feng...

标签: SUV