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乱斗西游2文殊菩萨技能属性 英雄文殊菩萨图鉴大全

Scuffle journey 2 Manjusri Bodhisattva skill attribute hero Manjusri Bodhisattva illustrations Daquan

2015-10-01 03:40:45来源: 4399

文殊菩萨 操作难度★★★ 种族佛 定位半辅助输出法师 获得途径-- 文殊菩萨常与普贤菩萨同侍释迦牟尼佛,是释迦牟尼佛所有菩萨弟子中的上首,所以又称为文殊师利法王子。文殊菩萨形象则为仗剑骑狮之像,代表着其法门的锐利,以右手执金刚宝剑,断一切众生的烦恼,以无畏的狮子吼震醒沉迷的众生...

Manjusri operation difficulty]]] race Buddha positioning semi auxiliary output master way of Manjusri Bodhisattva often and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva with paternity Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha all Bodhisattvas Di Zi in the first, so it is also called wenshushili law prince. Manjusri image is Zhangjian riding a lion like, represents the vantage point of sharp, to the right hand holding the diamond sword, off all sentient beings of the troubles, to brave lion roar shock wake up addicted to sentient beings.