新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨肸子《栀子花开2016》小花初绽 首担主演引热议

杨肸子《栀子花开2016》小花初绽 首担主演引热议

Yang Xi the gardenia flower 2016 flower buds appear The first bear starring buzz

2016-09-13 22:03:44来源: 千龙

青春偶像剧《栀子花开2016》正在青岛热拍,新晋演员杨肸子在剧中首次担当主演,消息一经公布便引来网友热议,纷纷表达对杨肸子的支持与期待。 《栀子花开2016》通过剧中人物白悠悠、于子恒、胡侃侃、谢...

Youth idol drama "gardenia flower 2016 in Qingdao hot, new actors Yang Xi son for the first time in the play main role, as news release and attract netizens, expressed support for Yang Xi son and expectation. The gardenia flower 2016 through the characters white leisurely, ziheng, hu contentedly, thank...