新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德国官方宣布续约阿迪 4年近3亿天价拒耐克插足

德国官方宣布续约阿迪 4年近3亿天价拒耐克插足

German official contract adidas nearly 300 million for 4 years come from Nike

2016-06-21 01:58:49来源: 新浪

续约后,德国足协每年可以得到7000万的赞助费 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月20日晚上,德国足协通过官网宣布,已于国家队球衣赞助商阿迪达斯完成续约,双方的合作将持续至2022年。 双方在巴黎进行...

After the contract, the German football association every year can get 70 million sponsorship fees Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on June 20, in the evening, the German football association announced on the website, was completed in national team shirt sponsor adidas contract, cooperation between the two sides will continue until 2022. The two sides in Paris...