新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深渊典藏周边礼包 299大洋到货开箱实测

深渊典藏周边礼包 299大洋到货开箱实测

Deep out of the actual collection gift bag 299 ocean surrounding the arrival of the goods

2017-01-11 21:04:50来源: 多玩游戏

玩家花299大洋买一个深渊典藏礼包,可以得到限量专属欧皇光环,90J史诗画册和一些惊喜。有土豪玩家的深渊典藏礼包到货了,咱们一起看看。 前几天DNF出了一个活动《深渊召唤》,腾讯的操行大家也都懂...

Players spend 299 ocean to buy an abyss collection gift bag, can get limited exclusive eutopean royal halo, 90 j epic picture album and some surprises. Have a collection of the abyss of local tyrants player package arrived, let's take a look at. A few days ago DNF the abyss calls out an activity, tencent's conduct we are understand...