新关注 > 信息聚合 > 他用西红柿洋葱意大利面搞服装插画


He tomato onion pasta garment illustration

2016-11-14 15:53:28来源: 新浪

原标题:他用西红柿、洋葱、意大利面搞服装设计,火遍了整个互联网 美国时尚插画家Edgar Artis凭借自己独特的创意在Instagram上火了一把。创作设计草图时,Edgar与一般的插画师不同...

The original title: he tomatoes, Onions, pasta, costume design, fire all over the Internet American fashion illustrator Edgar Artis with its own unique creativity in them were mentioned. Creative design sketches, Edgar is different from general illustrator...