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天猫双11晚会明星揭晓 看看有没有你喜欢的明星

Tmall double 11 evening star See if you like the star

2016-10-24 21:48:49来源: TechWeb

距离双11越来越近了,除了买买买,今年还能欣赏一场史无前例的超级大趴晚会。 此前,“2016天猫双11狂欢夜”组委会与深圳市政府正式对外确认:今年的双11晚会将落户深圳大运中心体育馆。 值得一提...

Double 11 more and more close, in addition to buy buy buy, this year also can enjoy an unprecedented super big party. After the 2016 Tmall double 11 carnival night, and the shenzhen municipal government officially confirmed: double 11 party this year will be settled in shenzhen universiade center gymnasium. It is worth mentioning...

标签: 天猫