新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南非杭斯拜海域附近大白鲨急剧减少濒临灭绝


Hangzhou in South Africa, thanks to the waters around the great white shark sharply reduced extinction

2016-08-25 16:44:58来源: 大众网

据美联社8月23日报道,南非杭斯拜地区曾经拥有大量大白鲨,是观察白鲨的顶级目的地之一,但近来该地区白鲨数量急剧减少,濒临灭绝。 在南非杭斯拜海岸附近的一条船上,迈克尔·鲁岑把烟头放入苏打水罐中,忧...

According to the Associated Press reported on August 23, South Africa and hangzhou, worship the region had a large number of great white shark, is one of the top destinations for observation of white shark, a sharp decline in white shark, but recently the region on the brink of extinction. The coast of hangzhou in South Africa, thanks to a ship, Michael lu cen put cigarette butts in the soda cans, sorrow...