新关注 > 信息聚合 > 药学院开展2015年度学生工作案例讨论会


College of Pharmacy Student of the Year 2015 to carry out work Case seminars

2016-01-12 10:27:07来源: 复旦大学

2016年1月8日上午, 2015年度药学院学生工作案例分析讨论会在科研楼会议室举行,教师代表卢燕、党委副书记王宁宁、学工组长仲艳、研工组长郁颖佳以及全体本科生、研究生辅导员参加了此次讨论。 讨论...

January 8, 2016 morning, the 2015 annual College of Pharmacy Student Case Study Seminar held at the research floor conference room, teacher representatives Lu Yan, deputy party secretary Wang Ningning, Zhong Yan, head of school work, research work and team leader Yu Yingjia all undergraduate, graduate instructors attended the discussion. discuss...