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中考状元贺少康:不与别人作比较 过程比结果重要

He Shaukang: not for senior high school entrance examination exam compared with others is much more important than the result

2015-07-22 15:32:46来源: 西安新闻网

西安新闻网讯 记者获悉,目前贺少康正在北京参加夏令营活动。据贺少康妈妈席女士介绍,孩子平常喜欢研究古诗词,也喜欢研究花草树木,知识面广泛,喜爱参加各种班级活动。作为母亲,席女士从不要求孩子的学习成绩...

Xi'an news network reporter learned that He Shaokang is currently in Beijing to participate in the summer camp activities. According to Ms. He Shaokang's mother, she said, the children usually like to study ancient poetry, but also like to study the flowers and trees, wide range of knowledge, love to participate in various class activities. As a mother, she never asked the child's learning performance...