新关注 > 信息聚合 > 非211出身,保研北大有多难?她的秘诀"不走寻常路"


The 211 was born, how difficult is it to protect research of Peking University. The secret of her "come"

2016-10-26 22:43:12来源: 中国教育在线

一个非211高校本科生,想要保送上北大到底有多难?网友们纷纷吐槽,说多了都是泪…… 王怡记得,复试的考场里有257个考生,只有2个非211高校出身,其中一个就是她。 近日,当她得知自己成功保...

A 211 college undergraduates, how hard it is to want to walk on Peking University? Netizens have fun, said many are tears...... Yiyi remember, there are 257 students in the examination room of second-round exam, only 2 of 211 colleges and universities, one is her. Recently, when she learned that her success guaranteed...