新关注 > 信息聚合 > 他是NBA变向过人宗师 儿子却总被认作别人的娃

他是NBA变向过人宗师 儿子却总被认作别人的娃

He is the NBA to anybody guru Son is always regarded as the Eva of the others

2016-10-12 16:13:18来源: 华体网

文/浮香依旧 他像是拥有分身术,刚刚还持球在你面前运球,忽然间利用变向从你身边突破。他是NBA历史上的一代变向过人宗师。就连“魔术师”约翰逊也对其变向过人敬畏不已。 这位传奇控卫5次进入全明星,...

The text/floating fragrance still He has degrees, like a just has the ball in front of you dribble, suddenly use to break away from you. He is in the history of the NBA a generation of great master. Even magic Johnson is the change to the people in awe. The legendary five times into the all-star point guard,...