新关注 > 信息聚合 > 操碎亲妈心!网曝言承旭和林志玲已经和好


Mother fuck broken heart! Net exposure Jerry Yan and Lin Chiling have been reconciled

2016-09-13 03:29:28来源: 中国青年网

言承旭 林志玲 网友爆料 据台湾媒体报道,今年演艺圈喜事频传,本是“黄金剩女”的林心如[微博]、舒淇[微博]都嫁给了多年好友,收获大批祝福,让大家开始猜测会不会哪天就换林志玲[微博]和言承旭...

Jerry Yan Lin Chiling friends broke the news according to Taiwan media reports, this year's entertainment news, this is the "golden 3S lady" Ruby Lin [micro-blog], Hsu Chi [micro-blog] have married friends for years, harvest a large number of blessing, let us begin to guess which day could change the [micro-blog] Lin Chiling and Jerry Yan...