新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家首选 京天华盛分体水冷游戏主机13999元

玩家首选 京天华盛分体水冷游戏主机13999元

Players preferred Beijing Tianhua Sheng body water-cooling game console 13999 yuan

2015-09-30 18:18:43来源: 中关村在线

英特尔Skylake第六代智能酷睿K系列处理器近日正式亮相,作为DIY电商品牌领导者的京天华盛也在第一时间出了多款采用i7 6700K的主机配置。今天小编给大家带来其中的一款发烧级DIY定制分体水冷机型,整机采用6700K以及GTX980Ti等高端发烧配置,且使用了非常酷炫的分体式DIY...

Intel skylake sixth generation intelligent core K series processor recently officially unveiled, as the DIY business brand leader in Beijing Tian Hua Sheng also in the first time out of the variety of the i7 6700K host allocation. Today Xiaobian to bring them a fever class DIY custom body water-cooling machine machine adopts 6700K and GTX980Ti and other high-end fever configuration and use the split DIY very cool...

标签: 游戏