新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果新Macbook亮相“双面可插”USB利好两A股


Apple's new Macbook debut "double can insert" USB positive two A shares

2015-03-11 05:01:56来源: 金融界

果粉的熬夜等待终有回报! 昨日(3月10日)凌晨,苹果发布重磅新品,Apple Watch和Macbook齐亮相。《每日经济新闻》记者注意到,对于Macbook,最大的焦点莫过于USB Type...

powder wait up will return! Yesterday (March 10th) morning, apple release the heavy products, Apple Watch and Macbook Qi Liangxiang. "Daily economic news" reporter noted that, for Macbook, the biggest focus is USB Type...

标签: 苹果