新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱情穿越古今 技艺震惊四座 傣秀于西双版纳万达..

爱情穿越古今 技艺震惊四座 傣秀于西双版纳万达..

Love through the ancient and modern art shocked the four Dai Xiu in Xishuangbanna Wanda..

2015-09-26 12:54:14来源: 大河网

傣秀于西双版纳万达剧场首演 云南网讯(记者 李星佺)9月25日晚,备受关注的“大秀”傣秀于西双版纳万达傣秀剧场上演。 傣秀根据傣族千年叙事长诗《孔雀公主》改编而成,讲述了一名现代都市男孩在版...

Dai Xiu in Xishuangbanna Wanda theater premiere Yunnan WebEx (reporter Li Xingquan) on the evening of September 25, much attention has been paid to the "big show" Dai show in Xishuangbanna Wanda Dai Xiu theater staged. And according to the Dai Dai Xiu Millennium narrative poem "Peacock Princess" adaptation, tells the story of a modern city boy in version...