新关注 > 信息聚合 > 罕有病例:近亲结婚致进展性脑病


Rare cases: inbreeding caused by progressive encephalopathy

2015-01-20 13:53:25来源: 丁香园

近期Pediatrics 杂志报道了如下一则病例:患儿为8岁男童,1月前开始出现不能回答简单问题,不能执行简单指令或完成简单任务(比如刷牙)。随后表现为口齿不清、不能自发言语。每晚只睡2-3个小时,...

Pediatrics magazine recently reported as a case: children 8 years old boy appeared before January can not answer simple questions, you can not perform a simple command or completing simple tasks (such as brushing). Then the performance of slurred speech, not spontaneous speech. 2-3 hours of sleep a night, ...