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庞清佟健现身五棵松 冰上情侣团圆夜共赏舞台秀

Pang Tong Jian appeared in Wukesong ice couple reunion night dramas stage show

2015-09-27 23:55:50来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 郭健9月27日发自北京)中秋月圆之夜,冰上爱侣庞清、佟健相约位于北京五棵松的万事达中心,共同欣赏改编自风靡全球的系列动画电影《冰川时代》的冰上舞台表演秀《冰川时代冰上秀:猛犸象大冒险》。...

(Sohu sports Guo September 27 from Beijing) the mid autumn full moon night, ice partner Pang Qing, Tong Jian meet in Beijing Wukesong the MasterCard center, enjoy together, adapted from the popular global series of animated movie "ice age" of the ice on the stage performance and show the ice age ice show: Mammoth like adventure ". ...