新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刺客信条:枭雄》震撼演示:爬上伦敦地标建筑..


The assassin's Creed: dignity "shock Demo: climb London landmark access..

2015-09-25 22:38:49来源: TechWeb

PlayStation Access官方频道今(25)日公开了一段全新的《刺客信条:枭雄》实机演示,为玩家展示了之前从未见过的震撼伦敦景色。 来到了伦敦,自然不能错过其地标建筑!我们的刺客当然需要...

PlayStation official channel today (25), open the a new assassin's Creed: dignity" real machine demonstration, for the players to show before had never seen the shock of the scene of London. Came to London, the natural can not miss its landmark building! Our assassin is of course...

标签: 刺客信条