新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凯乐科技“戒酒”做手机 成立5亿级并购基金

凯乐科技“戒酒”做手机 成立5亿级并购基金

Science and technology "abstinence" do mobile phone set up 500000000 level fund mergers and acquisitions

2015-02-16 09:12:48来源: 新浪

欲通过并购发力信息产业,“全息手机”是炒作重点;此前曾涉足光缆、房地产、白酒等,多次跨界 在经历了一连串大幅度跨界转型之后,起家于塑料管材的湖北上市公司凯乐科技,又将目光瞄向了新领域。这一次,信息产业成为凯乐科技的新目标。 在此之前的两三年间,凯乐科技的主营业务发生过多次游移,涉...

to force information industry through mergers and acquisitions, "holographic mobile phone" is the focus of speculation; previously involved in the cable, real estate, liquor, many transboundary after a series of substantial transboundary transformation, advocate in the plastic pipe and listing Corporation of Hubei science and technology, will be looking to new field. This time, the information industry has become a new target of science and technology. Before two or three years, science and technology to the main business happened many wandering, involved...