新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西宁海东歌手联袂漫花儿


Xining, Haidong singer jointly diffuse flowers

2015-07-23 17:21:36来源: 大河网

青海新闻网讯 7月21日,正值农历六月初六,由青海省文化和新闻出版厅、西宁市人民政府、国台办海峡两岸出版交流中心主办的“中国电信天翼畅享”青海第十二届西北五省花儿会在西宁南山开唱。 西北五省(区...

Qinghai news network news July 21, coincided with the lunar June sixth, from Qinghai Province culture and news publishing hall, Xining Municipal People's government, the Taiwan Affairs Office on both sides of the Taiwan Straits exchanges publication sponsored by the center for "China Telecom day Wing Cheong enjoy Qinghai the twelfth five northwestern provinces flowers will in Xining Nanshan concert. Northwest five provinces (area...