新关注 > 信息聚合 > 温格亲口确认留队:掌握自己命运 不在乎球迷批评

温格亲口确认留队:掌握自己命运 不在乎球迷批评

Wenger himself confirmed to stay team: control of their own destiny do not care about the fans criticism

2016-03-29 09:07:13来源: 新浪

温格表示自己依然会执教阿森纳 新浪体育讯 本赛季备受球迷期待的阿森纳表现令人失望,各项杯赛全部被淘汰出局,联赛冠军的争夺中也被莱斯特城和热刺甩开,前景看衰。糟糕的战绩也让球队主帅温格受到了不少质疑,英媒甚至传言他可能会被阿森纳提前解雇。而今,温格本人终于对此做出了回应,他亲口表态下赛...

Wenger said he will still coach AP Arsenal fans look forward to this season's highly disappointing Arsenal, were all eliminated in the Cup, league title fight Leicester City and Tottenham are also throw off prospects look bad. Bad record also let the team manager Arsene Wenger has been a lot of questions, and even the British media rumors that he may be fired Arsenal ahead. Today, I finally Wenger responded to this, he himself stand next season ...