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Huawei glory enter the European market: to replicate China's success?

2016-02-08 10:29:49来源: 光明网

荣耀进军欧洲市场 凤凰科技讯北京时间2月8日消息,英国《每日电讯报》最近刊文,谈到了华为品牌荣耀在欧洲的发展,在中国华为智能手机取得了巨大的成功,在欧洲它能复制这种成功吗? 下面是报道摘译: 在德国慕尼黑一个寒冷仓库里,华为推出了最新的中端智能手机荣耀5X。标有“For The...

Glory to enter the European market, Phoenix FRANCISCO, Feb. 8 news, the British "Daily Telegraph" recently published an article, talking about the development of the brand Huawei glory in Europe, in China's Huawei smartphone has achieved great success in Europe it You can replicate this success? Here is the story Excerpt: In Munich, Germany, a cold warehouse, Huawei launched a new mid-range smartphone glory 5X. Marked "For The ...