新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南玉函路七里山路路口施工 咋绕行看这里

济南玉函路七里山路路口施工 咋绕行看这里

Jinan Yuhan Road, Seven Mile Road junction construction detour ye see here

2016-08-16 23:52:06来源: 大众网

图为施工现场,道路两侧留有行人通行的便道。 施工期间车辆绕行图 大众网济南8月16日讯 顺河高架南延二期工程北起玉函立交,南至七里山以南360米,施工段全长3.26公里。玉函路七里山路口将于8月...

The picture shows the construction site, on both sides of the road leaving pedestrians sidewalk. During construction traffic bypass FIG Dazhong News Jinan August 16 suan viaduct north south extension of the second phase of Johann Interchange, south 360 meters south of Seven Mile Hill, a total length of 3.26 km section construction. Yuhan Road, Seven Mile Hill junction on August ...