新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄彬书法作品巡展在广州举行


Huang Bin calligraphy exhibition held

2015-01-31 00:14:25来源: 广东新闻网

刘卫勇 摄 1月30日,“潇湘怀远”黄彬书法作品巡展在广州艺术博物院举行,此展是黄彬书法作品巡展继长沙、北京之后的第三站。展出80余作品大部分是反映岭南文化特色的新作。

photo by Liu Weiyong in Guangzhou in January 30th, "Huaiyuan Xiaoxiang" Huang Bin calligraphy exhibition held at the Guangzhou Museum of art, this exhibition is Huang Bin's calligraphy works exhibition following Changsha, Beijing after the third station. An exhibition of more than 80 works mostly reflect the cultural characteristics of the new south of the Five Ridges.