新关注 > 信息聚合 > 精准医疗助力生物医药发展


Precision medical help biopharmaceutical development

2016-03-31 03:49:35来源: 新浪网

精准医疗助力生物医药发展 中国医疗产业高峰论坛将于31日在广州召开,此次大会聚焦医疗产业最新政策、分享医疗技术平台的发展信息,对我国医疗产业的进一步创新和发展起到助推作用。其中,肿瘤诊断和抗癌药...

Precision medical help biopharmaceutical development China Medical Industry Forum will be held in Guangzhou, 31, the conference focus on the latest medical industry policy, the development of information sharing medical technology platform for further innovation and development of China's medical industry has played a role in boosting . Among them, cancer diagnosis and anticancer drug ...