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Circle of friends red envelope photos function in advance

2016-01-26 20:27:12来源: 亿邦动力网

1月26日消息,今日,微信朋友圈推出“红包照片”功能,利用该功能发布的照片呈现毛玻璃界面,而好友需要支付红包才能查看照片、点赞或评论。 根据微信的界面提示,该功能仅在26日20:00之前有效,此外,今日发表的红包照片将在零点被删除。 然而,大约18:20分左右,“红包照片”功能已经提...

On January 26, today, WeChat friends launched the "red envelope" function, use of the function release photos of frosted glass interface, and friends need to pay a red envelope to view photos, thumb up or comments. According to the interface of the WeChat hint, this feature is only effective before 26 20:00, in addition, the red envelope photos will be published today in the zero point is deleted. About those points, however, the "red envelope" function is...