新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国奥内线出板凳奇兵 前队友连辱哈达迪+隔人暴扣

国奥内线出板凳奇兵 前队友连辱哈达迪+隔人暴扣

Olympic inside a bench Raiders teammate even disgrace Haddadi + every man is cruel buckle Netease

2015-08-01 23:59:26来源: 网易

苏州八国男篮赛决战国奥队54-47击败伊朗,内线替补贾诚在攻防两端对阵前CBA四川队有前队友哈达迪,均有出彩表现。他本场拿下了8分,成为国奥队胜利夺冠的功臣之一。 网易体育8月1日报道: 北京时...

Suzhou eight men's basketball tournament final Olympic team 54-47 beat Iran, bench inside Gu Cheng in the offensive and defensive ends of Sichuan before CBA team, with former teammate Haddadi had color performance. He scored 8 points, becoming one of the victory to win the Olympic team player. Netease sports in August 1st reported: Beijing...