新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国中国总商会芝加哥分会年会聚焦中美双向投资


USA China General Chamber of Commerce will focus on the Chicago branch of the Sino-US bilateral investment

2016-08-04 22:32:20来源: 搜狐

新华社芝加哥8月4日专电(记者徐静 汪平)美国中国总商会芝加哥分会2016年年会3日在芝加哥召开,与会者就如何推动中美之间双向投资等话题展开讨论。 美国总统奥巴马在给年会发来的贺信中说,美国和中...

Xinhua News Agency Chicago August 4 news (reporter Xu Jing Wang Ping) USA China General Chamber of Commerce Chicago Chapter 2016 Annual Meeting held in Chicago on the 3rd, the participants on how to promote two-way investment between China and the other topics discussed. US President Barack Obama said to the annual meeting to mark the occasion, the United States and the ...