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Promise of love! The pig and Ivan wedding in Venice

2016-07-14 06:17:40来源: 华体网

当地时间周二,德国队长施魏因斯泰格和网坛明星伊万诺维奇在威尼斯正式登记成为夫妻。周三两人在教堂里举办了婚礼。 两人在威尼斯的教堂中举办了婚礼,邀请了众多亲朋好友到场。新娘伊万诺维奇穿着婚纱,白衣如雪,长发披肩。伊万的父亲在她的身旁陪伴。 两人邀请了众多体坛明星参加婚礼,其中包括网坛明...

Local time on Tuesday, the Germany captain bastian schweinsteiger and tennis stars ivanovic officially registered in Venice became husband and wife. On Wednesday, two people hold the wedding in the church. Two people in the church of Venice held wedding, invited many friends and family to be present. Branislav ivanovic dressed in wedding dress, white as snow, hair shawls. Ivan's father beside her to accompany. Two people invited many sports stars to participate in the wedding, including tennis Ming...