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中国田径告别“刘翔独苗” 里约奥运全线出击

China's track and field farewell "liu only child" Rio on all the games

2016-07-21 13:47:13来源: 中国新闻网

中新社北京7月21日电 题:中国田径告别“刘翔独苗” 里约奥运全线出击 中新社记者 沈晨 过去12年间,刘翔一直就是中国田径的代名词。从雅典的一飞冲天,到伦敦的悲情离别,刘翔时刻牵动着亿万国人的敏感神经。外界对这位跨栏飞人一举一动的关注度,远远超过陈定等其他中国田径队的金牌选手。 ...

China news agency Beijing, July 21 (Reuters) : the Chinese track and field farewell "liu only child" Rio on all the games China news agency reporters Shen Chen over the past 12 years, liu xiang has always been synonymous with the Chinese track and field. From Athens to soar, sad to leave to London, liu xiang moment affects billions of people sensitive nerve. The outside world to the attention of the hurdles air movements, far more than Chen and other gold medalist of the Chinese athletics team. ...