新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国文联“送欢乐下基层”慰问演出走进秭归


China Federation of literary and art circles "send joy to the grass-roots show sympathy into Zigui

2015-09-16 18:07:16来源: 荆楚网

美声四季组合演唱歌曲 荆楚网消息(记者 张城)9月16日,风景秀美的秭归屈原广场成了一片欢乐的海洋。中国文联组织艺术家来到屈原故里秭归县,开展“送欢乐·下基层”慰问演出。 据悉,此次中国文联...

bel seasons combined singing songs Jingchu net news (reporter Zhang) on September 16, the beautiful scenery of Zigui Quyuan square into the a sea of joy. China Federation organized artists came to Qu Yuan's hometown of Zigui County, carry out the "send joy, grassroots" show sympathy. It is reported, the Chinese federation...