新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧洲顶尖围棋高手“决战”柏林


Europe's top master go "decisive battle" Berlin

2016-04-30 22:55:28来源: 中国新闻网

中新社柏林4月30日电 (记者 彭大伟)30日,来自欧洲多国的12位顶尖围棋选手汇聚德国柏林中国文化中心,参加在此举行的第二届欧洲围棋大满贯赛。 同时在这里举行的,还有来自全德不同城市50位选手分队角逐的第七届柏林“中国杯”围棋大赛。 作为一项相对小众的脑力运动,围棋在欧洲正收获...

China news agency in Berlin in April 30 (xinhua Peng Dawei) 30, 12 top players gathered from European multinational German Berlin Chinese culture center, participate in the lines of the second European go grand slam. Held here at the same time, there are from different cities across Germany 50 contestants for unit for the 7th Berlin "China cup" game competition. As a relatively small brain movement, the game is harvested in Europe...