新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉推出81项“学雷锋·志愿者在行动”重点活动


Wuhan launched 81 "science commentator disabled girl Du Chengcheng figure Lei Feng volunteers in action" key activities

2015-03-05 00:08:39来源: 荆楚网

图为发言代表“盲人影院”的解说员残疾女孩杜诚诚 图为发言代表武汉百步亭社区管委会主任王波 荆楚网消息(记者张城)今年3月5日是第52个学雷锋日。4日下午,武汉市“推动学雷锋志愿服务活动常态化”...

figure to speak on behalf of "blind cinema" to speak on behalf of Wuhan Community Management Committee Director Wang Bo Jingchu net news (reporter Zhang Cheng) in March 5th this year is the fifty-second of Lei Feng day. On the afternoon of 4, Wuhan City "to promote the Lei Feng volunteer service activities normalized"...