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王座悲歌 宿命与自由爱玛莉莉丝佩尔德

Throne tragedies of fate and free Amalie Lise Per de

2015-06-30 01:42:06来源: 多玩游戏

《王座悲歌》1st:无法承受的生命之轻——内尔文·纳尔希亚。 《王座悲歌》2nd:宿命与自由,爱玛莉莉丝、佩尔德列斯。 (一)命运的最初。 刚睁眼的时候,幼小的精灵还尚在生命之花的襁褓中...

the throne Elegy "1st: unable to withstand the life light -- Nelven Narhiya. "Elegy" 2nd: Throne of fate and freedom, Emma Lilith, Per Andes. (a) the first of the fate. Just when the eyes of the young wizard, is still in the infancy of the flower of life...