新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西溪谷被授予杭州互联网金融集聚区


West Valley was awarded the Hangzhou Internet financial agglomeration area

2016-01-09 11:21:51来源: 杭州网

昨天,2016年西湖区(之江度假区)互联网金融发展推介会隆重召开。推介会上举行了授牌仪式,西溪谷被授予“杭州互联网金融集聚区”。 西溪谷东至浙大玉泉校区,南至老和山麓,西至留下绕城西线,北至天目山...

Yesterday, 2016 West Lake District (the river resort) Internet development finance promotion grand opening. Recommend awarding ceremony was held at the meeting, the West Valley, was awarded "Hangzhou Internet financial gathering area." West Valley East Yuquan Campus, the old and the foothills of the south, west to leave beltway west line, north to the Tianmu ...

标签: 互联网金融