新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西宁特钢停牌半天后宣布终止重大债务重组


Xining Special Steel half a day after the suspension announced the termination of a major debt restructuring

2016-08-04 15:51:52来源: 中国网

中国网财经8月4日讯西宁特钢昨日盘后发布公告,鉴于目前推进该项重大事项的条件尚不成熟,经公司审慎考虑,决定终止筹划本次重大事项。本次筹划的重大事项为拟进行公司重大债务重组。 值得注意的是,西宁特...

China Network FINANCE August 4 News Xining Special Steel announced late yesterday that, given the current conditions to promote the major issues is not yet mature, the company careful consideration, decided to terminate the planning of this major matter. The major issues for planning the company proposed a major debt restructuring. It is worth noting that, Xining Te ...